Dr. NutsNBolts

Unloading 25 years worth of life from my oversized handbag 1 day at a time

“Doc in the hood” to-do list….

One of my favorite attendings, no longer at my institution, did his residency at Emory decades ago. He and another one of his male collegues called themselves the Docs in the Hood, haha. The “hood” being Hotlanta, presumably.

Apparently, per an email i just read, residency starts 3 months from yesterday….. geez louise. Time to:

  1. Figure out my student loan situation
  2. Calculate my financial worth (can I skip this if I’m in the red anyways?)
  3. Create a reasonably livable budget as a resident (google searching for a worksheet…)
  4. Find an apartment
  5. Find a gym (4 and 5 are mutual)
  6. Find a reliable moving company (this is about to be a gnawing epigastric pain in my belly……..)
  7. Figure out what to do with car (have it shipped vs finding some generous soul to drive it for me….)
  8. Finish graduation and post-grad social plans

Some fun but definitely painful stuff to look forward to amidst weddings ect next month…. still wondering if I can squeeze in a vacay sometime late May early June (can I even afford this right now?). The real question: am I missing something?


March 20, 2011 Posted by | Life, Medicine | , | Leave a comment